ADWR 3RD party water level DATA portal
The 3rd Party Water Level Data Portal can be found here: "Share or Report your Water Level Online". Please follow the steps to apply for an account and it will be approved asap. Please note: only discrete water levels currently can be uploaded. Continuous water levels will need to be submitted to us directly for upload.
Over 70 individuals and organizations provided information and feedback on their own water level data needs and water level data collection activities. The information was requested to help the Arizona Department of Water Resources assess the potential scope and requirements for developing an online water level and hydrologic data reporting and data sharing system. This system would help facilitate the reporting of water level data and related hydrologic information associated with annual reports from designated water providers, recharge facilities, community water system plans, and other miscellaneous permits and applications. The system would also potentially be used to accept water level data and related hydrologic data that are not required to be reported to ADWR.
The results of the survey have provided ADWR with substantial insight into the public’s needs and interests in water level data collection and reporting. The Department's next steps include:
- Reviewing ADEQ’s electronic data submittal system
- Reviewing other data submittal systems and self-reporting web portals
- Meeting with stakeholders to discuss survey results, the development of an electronic data submittal portal, and the modification of ADWR’s existing reporting formats
- Identifying costs and resources necessary for ADWR to develop an automated electronic hydrologic data submittal/sharing portal
- Proceeding with phased development and implementation of the system
The survey results may be reviewed by clicking on the following links:
View the complete survey results.
View a presentation summarizing the survey results.
Background: The Department is seeking to focus groundwater level data collection activities within areas of the State that are considered to be of the highest priority and interest and would like public feedback on this effort. The Department is gathering information on the feasibility of collecting supplemental water level data from collaborative monitoring partners to assist with ADWR's Groundwater Level Monitoring program. Please click on the following links for overviews of the Department's Statewide Hydrologic Monitoring Program and Basic Data groundwater-Level Collection Unit.
To foster collaboration and improve efficiency, the Department is currently developing a new online data submittal portal that will facilitate annual reporting by designated water providers, Community Water Systems (CWS), and permitted recharge facilities. The Department is also working to develop new online database tools and services that will provide enhanced public access and querying capabilities to select and download reported water level data.
Additionally, the Department also seeks feedback and suggestions on developing a voluntary water level data reporting program. This program would be comprised of individuals and organizations that may collect water level data, but are not required to report the data to ADWR, and would be willing to report and share it with the public. Existing data sharing cooperators include the USGS, USBOR, and the Tucson Water among others.
The survey was designed to collect information and opinions about the water level data needs, uses, and data collection activities of participants.