ADWR Data Dashboards


The Agricultural sector dashboard provides an overview of the sector's supply and demand by year and AMA. Users can also view flex credits by Irrigation Grandfathered Right, Irrigation District supply by water type, and a summary of BMPs implemented.

AMA Annual Supply & Demand

Supply and demand in the AMAs by year, sector, and water type

Colorado River Management

The Colorado River Dashboard provides summaries of hydrologic conditions on the Colorado River as well direct links to live data and reports from the Bureau of Reclamation and Colorado River Basin Forecast Center.

Community Water System

The Community Water Systems (CWS) data dashboard visualizes data collected from annual reports and system water plans from 2006 to now. Use this tool to explore the distribution of CWSs across the state, track water usage over time, see the implementation of drought and conservation plans, and more.


The Interactive Drought Dashboard shows short-term drought conditions in Arizona from 2000 to present.


The Depth-To-Water (DTW) dashboard is designed to give an overview of groundwater levels in AZ's basins and sub-basins, providing summary statistics.


The Industrial sector dashboard provides an overview of the sector's supply and demand and turf facility demand and allotments by year, AMA, facility type, and water type.


The Municipal sector dashboard provides an overview of the sector's supply and demand by year, AMA, and water type. Users can view a list of water providers regulated by the Municipal Conservation Program and their conservation efforts.

Municipal Dashboard

Overdraft Data Dashboard

The Overdraft Data Dashboard was developed as a supplement to the Safe-Yield report, to support data transparency efforts of the department, and to allow an interactive method for stakeholders to explore the associated data.


Underground water storage and recovery over time by year, AMA, facility type, and water type. Long-term storage account balances can be viewed by storage account holder.


This report presents aggregate data regarding wells including year drilled, primary water use group, well type group, and geographical location. Data can be filtered by various geographical locations such as active management area, basin, sub basin, and county.

Water Management Assistance Program

The WMAP dashboard was developed to provide the public with status updates regarding the WMAP and Groundwater Conservation Grant, including the unobligated fund balance, WMAP fee, and fees collected by AMA, as well as individual contract details and encumbrances/expenditures concerning the active programs/projects in the AMA

Supply & Demand

Results of the Supply & Demand Reports, ongoing and updated annually. Includes historical supply and demand data and projections (1990-2075), groundwater storage estimations (1990-2075), and breakdowns of supply and demand subsector-level data. Grouped by groundwater basin.

Gallons Per Capita Per Day

This GPCD report demonstrates different calculated scenarios for gallons per capita measured per day, along with provider and AMA filters.

Phoenix Area Municipal Providers' Dashboard

This application provides data related to the Statement of Claimant filings, surface water filings, and well registrations made by Phoenix metro area Community Water Systems (CWS).

Grandfathered Water Rights

The Grandfathered Water Rights Dashboard provides the public ease of access in pulling up-to-date and historical water rights information such as: right number, irrigation acres, and allotment, etc.. for each AMA and INA.