Statewide Planning

Overview & Mission

The Statewide Planning Section is responsible for facilitating the Governor's Water Policy Council, coordinating the Community Water Systems Program, Conservation Program, Drought Program and stakeholder outreach to Rural Partnerships and communities.  The Statewide Planning Section also oversees the development of the ADWR Supply & Demand Assessment. The mission of Statewide Planning is to propose water management strategies to preserve and enhance water supplies of the State on behalf of, and in partnership with, the citizens of Arizona.  




Statewide Planning Resources

Arizona Water Initiative map

Arizona Water Initiative

The initiative continued the work published in the 2014 Strategic Vision for Water Supply Sustainability. It comprised two tracts: the first focused on a stakeholder driver analysis of the 22 Planning Areas; the second was the Governor's Water Augmentation Council (GWAC), which investigated water conservation, augmentation and infrastructure improvement strategies for the State.

Arizona's Next Century: A Strategic Vision for Water Supply Sustainability

Arizona Strategic Vision for Water Sustainability

Developed by ADWR in 2014, The Strategic Vision provided a comprehensive water supply and demand analysis for Arizona. It created a framework for developing potential strategies to address projected imbalances and maximize their effectiveness in addressing the needs of Arizona water users.  

Water Resources Development Commission Final Report Vol. 1 & 2

WRDC vol.1 | WRDC vol.2

In 2010 the Arizona Legislature passed H.B.2661, which created the Water Resources Development Commission for the purpose of assessing the current and future water needs of Arizona.

Arizona Water Atlas Vol.1 Executive Summary

Water Atlas

A collection of water-related information for Arizona, including a comprehensive overview of regional water supply and demand during the period of 2001-2006.