Drought Resources & Assistance


National Drought Resources

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers resources regarding the health implications of drought, along with a drought communication toolkit and e-learning materials.

National Drought Mitigation Center

The NDMC works with states and tribal governments as well as national governments around the world to develop better drought risk management strategies related to monitoring, early warning, and planning. 

National Integrated Heat Health Information System

The National Integrated Heat Health Information System is an integrated system that builds understanding of the problem of extreme heat, defines demand for climate services that enhance societal resilience, develops science-based products and services from a sustained climate science research program, and improves understanding of the negative effects of extreme heat.

U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

The U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit is a website designed to help people find and use tools, information, and subject matter expertise to build climate resilience. The Toolkit offers information from all across the U.S. federal government in one easy-to-use location.


U.S. Drought Monitor

The U.S. Drought Monitor is a weekly map of drought conditions across the U.S. and is the official record of drought for Federal drought relief claims. 

U.S. Drought Portal

This site by the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) aims to provide a one-stop shop for current, reliable, and useful information and resources related to drought. NIDIS was created to further coordinate and integrate drought research, building upon existing federal, tribal, state, and local partnerships in support of creating a national drought early warning information system. 

USDA Farm Service Agency Website

The Farm Service Agency provides assistance for natural disaster losses, resulting from drought, flood, fire, freeze, tornadoes, pest infestation, and other calamities.

Regional Drought Resources

Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS)

The mission of CLIMAS is to improve the region’s ability to respond sufficiently and appropriately to climatic events and climate changes, promoting participatory and iterative research involving scientists, decision makers, resource users, educators, and others who need more and better information about climate and its impacts.

Colorado Basin River Forecast Center

The mission of this Center is to produce river, flood and water supply forecasts for the Colorado Basin and the Great Basin in support of saving lives and property and to enhance the regions’ environment and economy. 

Drought View

A satellite-based drought monitoring and assessment map to input and view surface greenness according to precipitation, cloud cover, evapotranspiration and other data affecting drought status.

State Drought Resources

Arizona Drought Assistance Matrix

In response to the ongoing drought, the Drought Interagency Coordinating Group compiled this matrix that list technical, financial and educational assistance offered by state and federal agencies for drought planning, mitigation and response.

Arizona Drought Preparedness Annual Reports

These Annual Reports cover drought conditions and preparedness activities that took place during the water years (October 1 - September 30), produced by the Arizona Drought Monitoring Technical Committee and published by ADWR.

Arizona Environmental Public Health Tracking Explorer

Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) is a tool to help Arizonans learn about environmental hazards in the state that could impact their health, these include drought and heat stress illness. EPHT has gathered data from national and local sources in order to view both environmental and health outcome data in one easily accessible place. 

Arizona Firewise Communities

Drought conditions in Arizona make the state especially vulnerable to wildland fires. Visit this website to find out how you can reduce your risk of property damage due to wildfires by learning tips on how to create defensible space and which trees and shrubs to plant to help protect your home.

Arizona Interactive Drought Dashboard

The Interactive Drought Dashboard shows short-term drought conditions in Arizona from 2000 to present. Use this interactive tool to explore drought conditions for the entire period or for specific time frames; for the whole state or for a selected county.

Arizona Strategic Vision for Water Supply Sustainability

The Strategic Vision provides a comprehensive water supply and demand analysis for Arizona, developed by ADWR in 2014. It creates framework for developing potential strategies to address projected imbalances and maximize their effectiveness in addressing address needs of Arizona water users.

Arizona Water Initiative

This initiative continues the work published in the 2014 Strategic Vision for Water Supply Sustainability. It's comprised of two tracks: the first is focused on a stakeholder driven analysis of the 22 Planning Areas; the second is the Governor’s Water Augmentation Council, which investigate water conservation, augmentation and infrastructure improvements strategies for the State.

Colorado River Drought & Shortage Preparedness in Arizona

This page was created by ADWR to keep Arizonans informed regarding the long-term drought conditions on the Colorado River Basin and the looming water shortages for some water users in Arizona, including several solutions in the works to reduce shortage impacts across the state. 

National Weather Service

The NWS, a component of NOAA, provides weather, water, and climate data, forecasts and warnings for the protection of life and property and enhancement of the national economy

USDA Farm Service Agency for Arizona

This is the USDA Farm Service Agency webpage for Arizona, and it includes contact information for each of Arizona’s county offices and fact-sheets for the programs offered by the Agency, such as the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program and the Emergency Conservation Program.

Tribal Resources

Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals

Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) - Tribal Climate Change Resolution Template and Guide

This resolution template was created by the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals (ITEP) to serve as a model on which tribes can base their own resolution for a tribal climate change initiative. The template is not a “one-size-fits-all” solution, and users are encouraged to modify the template to better represent the needs and priorities of the tribe. The guide will help users complete and personalize their own resolutions.

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes
Arroyo 2022 logo

Arroyo 2022 - Water Resilience - Indigenous Perspectives

The water resilience of Native peoples to climate and other exogenous shocks has depended largely on the perseverance of the Native Tribes themselves and will depend increasingly on their own intentions and agency. The University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center’s 2021 Annual Conference, Tribal Water Resilience in a Changing Environment, provided a platform for Native American participants to present and discuss their experiences, knowledge, and visions of water resilience. This Arroyo draws extensively on their words. 

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes
Navajo Fish and Wildlife logo

Climate Adaptation Plan for the Navajo Nation (2018)

Effects from climate change are happening right now and the Navajo people are witnesses to its continuing outcome. The Climate Adaptation Plan for the Navajo Nation includes priorities, risks, goals, and strategies for climate change, as well as instructions for plan implementation.

Who is this open to : Navajo Nation
Gila Indian Community Department of Environmental Quality logo

Climate Profile of Gila River Indian Community

Utilizing computer models and current and historical weather data, the University of Arizona developed a climate profile for the Gila River Indian Community (GRIC). This profile reviews a wide variety of potential impacts, including drought and changes to water availability, to help support GRIC in planning for the future. 

Who is this open to : Gila River Indian Community
Great Seal of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community

Community Development Department - Environmental Protection and Natural Resources

This webpage provides information about the Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Division, which was established to enhance the quality of life within the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community by protecting and preserving the land, ecosystems, wildlife, history, and natural resources of the Community.

Who is this open to : Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community
EPA Logo

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Tribal Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tool

EPA’s Tribal Greenhouse Gas Inventory Tool was developed to help tribes across the United States to evaluate their greenhouse gas emissions. Use this tool to compile a greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory for your entire tribe or for tribal government operations in particular.

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes

Indian Community Development Block Grant (ICDBG)

The ICDBG Program provides eligible grantees with direct grants for use in developing viable Indian and Alaska Native Communities, including decent housing, a suitable living environment, and economic opportunities, primarily for low and moderate income persons. Projects funding by the ICDBG program must principally benefit low-and-moderate-income persons (24 CFR 1003.208). The program regulations provide for two categories of grants, Single Purpose and Imminent Threat.

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes
Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals

ITEP Tribes & Climate Change Program

This website provides information and resources tailored to helping Native people gain a better understanding of climate change and its impacts on their communities and resources.

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes
NASA's Western Water Applications Office (WWAO) logo

NASA Navajo Drought Severity Tool

The Drought Severity Tool works to improve drought reporting and management in the Navajo Nation. It combines satellite data, modeled inputs and in-situ data from the Navajo in a web-based platform, which harnesses Google Earth Engine. 

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes, Navajo Nation
Native American Water Rights Settlement Project

Native American Water Rights Settlement Project (NAWRS) - University of New Mexico

The NAWRS website serves as a digital repository of documents that formalize water rights for tribes across the United States. Documents can be searched through the interactive map by selecting a specific state, water basin, or tribal boundary.  

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes
Native Waters on Arid Lands

Native Waters on Arid Lands

The Native Waters on Arid Lands project seeks to enhance the climate resiliency of agriculture on American Indian lands of the Great Basin and Southwest by building the capacity within tribal communities to develop and implement reservation-wide plans, policies, and practices to support sustainable agriculture and water management.

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes
AGU Advancing Earth and Space Sciences

Stable Isotopes in Precipitation and Meteoric Water

This research paper walks explains the importance in understanding how different types of weather systems produce precipitation and how precipitation from those systems contributes to water resources by closely examining the North American Monsoon season in relation to Navajo land.

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes, Navajo Nation
Climate Assessment for the Southwest (CLIMAS)

Technical Review of the Navajo Nation Drought Contingency Plan - Drought Monitoring

This report includes a description of the regional climate (including the prominence of climate variability in the region), the drought context in the Four Corners, a close look at the 6-month SPI and its value in drought planning, a discussion of regional drought monitoring, and a series of recommendation for the Water Management Branch based on the review of the plan and analysis of the climate data available to the reviewers.

Who is this open to : Navajo Nation
Dig Deep logo

The Navajo Water Project

A community managed utility alternative that brings hot and cold running water to homes without access to water or sewer lines. They work to install Home Water Systems.

Who is this open to : Navajo Nation
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs logo

The Status of Tribes & Climate Change Report

The Status of Tribes and Climate Change (STACC) Report seeks to uplift and honor the voices of Indigenous peoples across the U.S. to increase understanding of Tribal lifeways, cultures, and worldviews; the climate change impacts Tribes are experiencing; the solutions they are implementing; and ways that all of us can support Tribes in adapting to our changing world.

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes

The Status of Tribes & Climate Change Report

The Status of Tribes and Climate Change (STACC) Report seeks to uplift and honor the voices of
Indigenous peoples across the U.S. to increase understanding of Tribal lifeways, cultures, and
worldviews; the climate change impacts Tribes are experiencing; the solutions they are implementing;
and ways that all of us can support Tribes in adapting to our changing world.

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes
Tribal Clean Water Image, two people with clean and dirty drinking water.

Tribal Clean Water

A project of the Water & Tribes Initiative that seeks to achieve universal access to clean, safe drinking water for all Native communities in the United States. 

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes
Tribal Climate Adaption Guidebook

Tribal Climate Adaptation Guidebook

The Tribal Climate Adaptation Guidebook, published as a pdf in 2018 and adapted to a website in 2022, supports Tribes in their efforts to prepare for climate change. The Guidebook provides a comprehensive framework for climate change adaptation planning that explicitly recognizes the distinct circumstances of Tribal governments, culture, and knowledge systems while highlighting exemplary efforts by Tribes to adapt to climate change.

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes
Department of the Interior | Bureau of Indian Affairs logo

Tribal Climate Resilience Resource Director

University, Federal, Department of the Interior, and International Resilience Resources provided by the Tribal Climate Resilience branch of the U.S Department of the Interior Indian Affairs.

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes
U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit logo

U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit

This webpage provides a toolkit available to help tribes manage their climate-related risks and opportunities, and to help guide them in building resilience to extreme events.

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes
Updated Climate Projections For All U.S. Tribal Lands

Updated Climate Projections For All U.S. Tribal Lands

Native climate  a project that supports climate adaptation efforts in Native American communities of the Southwest and Northern Plains, compiled local climate projections for 633 tribally controlled areas in the United States, including Alaska Native Villages and State Designated Tribal Areas, and climate divisions for the State of Hawaii. This tool provides data on probable weather conditions to better prepare tribal communities for changing conditions for the next century.

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes
Utah State University Extension Logo

Utah State University Extension Fact Sheet (2021)

The objective of this fact sheet is to illustrate the economic impacts of drought on agriculture and reservation economies in Arizona.

Who is this open to : Hopi Tribe, Navajo Nation, San Carlos Apache Tribe, Tohono O'odham Nation, White Mountain Apache Tribe
Water & Tribes Initiatives Colorado Basin

Water & Tribes Initiative

The Water & Tribes Initiative seeks to enhance the capacity of tribes and to advance sustainable water management through collaborative decision-making. The Initiative works with the Babbitt Center for Land and Water Policy, the Walton Family Foundation, Ten Tribes Partnership, and other individuals and groups.  

Who is this open to : All Nations/Tribes, Colorado River Indian Tribes