Arizona Drought Preparedness Plan & Annual Reports

Realizing the need for drought preparedness in Arizona, a Governor's Drought Task Force was created in 2003 and the Arizona Drought Preparedness Operational Plan, including the Arizona Water Conservation Strategies Report, was developed and adapted in 2004. The principal intent of the Drought Preparedness Operational Plan was to establish a flexible framework to refine Arizona's drought monitoring process as well as the understanding of drought impacts and mechanisms for limiting future vulnerability in Arizona. The Plan continued implementation was ordered in 2007 (EO2007-10).

The Arizona Department of Water Resources collaborates with the Drought Monitoring Technical Committee, the Drought Interagency Coordinating Group and the Local Drought Impact Groups to create the Arizona Drought Preparedness Annual Report, which covers drought conditions and preparedness activities for the water year (October 1 - September 30). The Drought Preparedness Operational Plan as well as the yearly reports are posted below and are sent to the Governor's Office every year by the end of November.