Statutes and Policies
Recharge Substantive Policy Statements
The Arizona Department of Water Resources has adopted several substantive policy statements to clarify the process and application requirements for recharge program permits. The text of the substantive policy statements can be accessed through the links below.
These substantive policy statements are advisory only. Substantive policy statements do not include internal procedural documents that only affect the internal procedures of the agency and do not impose additional requirements or penalties on regulated parties or include confidential information or rules made in accordance with the Arizona Administrative Procedure Act. If you believe these substantive policy statements impose additional requirements or penalties on regulated parties you may petition the agency under Arizona Revised Statutes § 41-1033 for a review of the statement.
Pilot-Scale USF Application Process
Technical and Financial Capability/Unreasonable Harm and Hydrologic Feasibility (R14)
Governing statutes
45-801.01 | Declaration of public policy on underground water storage, savings and replenishment |
45-802.01 | Definitions |
45-803.01 | Effect on vested water rights; effect on other proceedings |
45-811.01 | Underground storage facility permits |
45-812.01 | Groundwater savings facility permits |
45-813.01 | Land use ordinances |
45-814.01 | Contents of a storage facility permit |
45-815.01 | Facilities not qualifying as storage facilities |
45-831.01 | Water storage permits |
45-832.01 | Use of stored water |
45-833.01 | Designation of non-recoverable water |
45-834.01 | Recovery of stored water, recovery well permits; emergency temporary recovery well permits; well construction |
45-835.01 | Simultaneous applications |
45-836.01 | Effect of storage facilities, water storage, and recovery on service areas |
45-841.01 | Accrual of long-term storage credits; Indian water rights settlements |
45-851.01 | Recovery of stored water on an annual basis |
45-852.01 | Long-term storage accounts |
45-853.01 | Restricted uses of long-term storage credits |
45-854.01 | Assignability of long-term storage credits |
45-855.01 | Effect of long-term storage credits on assured water supply and adequate water supply |
45-856.01 | Protection of the stored water |
45-857.01 | Groundwater replenishment district incidental replenishment factor; definitions |
45-858.01 | Master replenishment account; debits and credits |
45-859.01 | Conservation district account; debits and credits |
45-860.01 | Water district account; debits and credits |
45-871.01 | Permit application; fee; notice of application; objections; hearing; appeals |
45-872.01 | Water measuring devices |
45-873.01 | In-lieu water reporting requirements; withdrawal fees |
45-874.01 | Long-term storage credit recovery fee; amount; notice; payment; penalty |
45-875.01 | Annual reports; penalty |
45-876.01 | Annual report; groundwater replenishment district and replenishment district members; penalties |
45-877.01 | Annual reports by conservation district; penalties |
45-878.01 | Annual reports by water districts; penalties |
45-879.01 | Annual reports certification; records |
45-880.01 | Inspections, investigations, and audits |
45-881.01 | Cease and desist orders; temporary cease and desist orders; hearings; injunctive relief |
45-882.01 | Violation; civil penalties |
45-891.01 | Purposes of State Demonstration Projects |
45-892.01 | Additional definitions pertaining to State Demonstration Projects |
45-893.01 | Application for project permits; application requirements; permit specifications |
45-894.01 | Use for replenishment purposes |
45-895.01 | Storage of water; availability and disposition of stored water |
45-896.01 | Assumption of responsibility for stored water |
45-897.01 | State water storage fund; disbursement of monies |
45-898.01 | Indemnification and insurance |