Guidelines & References

The Dam Safety program requires dam engineering analyses and designs to be based on appropriate standardized state-of-the-practice methods. The list below includes examples of standard references on dam design, construction, repair, and analysis that the Dam Safety program routinely accepts.  A much more extensive list of references is provided in the Instruction for Filing an Application document.

USBR 1981 Freeboard Criteria and Guidelines 1981_USBR_Freeboard_Criteria.pdf
USBR 2012 Freeboard Criteria and Guidelines 2012_USBR_Freeboard_Criteria.pdf
NOAA 1984 Hydro meteorological Report No 49 1984_NOAA-1984-Hydrometeorological-Report-No 49.pdf
USBR 1998 Prediction of Embankment Dam Breach Parameters 1998_Prediction-of-Embankment-Dam-Breach-Parameters.pdf
FEMA 1998 Selecting and Accommodating Inflow Design Floods for Dams 2004-FEMA-94-Inflow-Design-Floods.pdf
USBR 1996 Concrete Repair Manual 1996_Guide-to-concrete-Repair.pdf
NRCS 1994 Gradation Design of Sand and Gravel Filters 1994_NRCS_Filter_Design.pdf
FEMA 2005 Technical Manual for Dam Owners Impacts of Plants on Earthen Dams 2005-Impacts-of-Plants-on-Earthen-Dams-FEMA_534.pdf
USACE 1977 Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimates, Colorado River and Great Basin Drainages 1977-Probable-Maximum-Precipitation-Estimates-Colorado-River-and-Great-Basin-Drainages.pdf
USACE 1984 Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimates, Colorado River and Great Basin Drainage 1984-Probable-Maximum-Precipitation-Estimates-Colorado-River-and-Great Basin Drainages.pdf
ADWR 2007 State Standard For Hydrologic Modeling Guidelines 2007-Hydrology_State_Standard.pdf
ADWR 1996 Flood Protection Guidelines for Dams with No Spillways Flood_Protection_Guidelines_for_Dams_with_No_Spillways.pdf
ADWR 2004 PMF Studies for Evaluation of Spillway Adequacy PMF_Hydrology_and_Routing_Guidelines-OFFICE-OF-DAM-SAFETY-AND-FLOOD MITIGATION.pdf