Community Water Systems Resources
Interactive Service Area Map
The Community Water Systems (CWS) Interactive Map provides a detailed look at all of the Community Water Systems and the areas they serve. You have the option to search for a water system by using the search feature and entering the CWS Number (91-), ADEQ Number (AZ...), or the water system name. Another option is to select the service area on the map, where a pop-up will open providing you with the details of that water system. Some of the information provided in the pop-up includes: owner name, address, phone number, CWS number, ADEQ number and population of the service area. If you select your Community Water System and find the information to be incorrect, please contact ADWR so we can update your records.
Guidance Documents & Fact Sheets
This section includes documents intended to guide you while you complete your System Water Plan or Annual Water Use Report. This section is separated into two areas: System Water Plans and Annual Reports.
System water plans
System Water Plan Guidance Document - This document will assist you in developing the initial System Water Plan. It can also be used while completing the updated System Water Plan.
Conservation and Drought Planning: How They Work Together - General conservation and drought planning tips and information, along with examples of drought stages for large and small systems.
Drought Stage Planning for Community Water Systems - This document provides examples of drought stages and water management measures.
Emergency Water Sources - This document provides information about the different types of emergency water sources available to Community Water Systems.
List of Designated Providers - Adequate Water Supply designations
Annual Reports
How to Access Previous Annual Reports and Other Documents - This document will guide you through the process of downloading your previously submitted Annual Water Use Reports and additional correspondence related to your Community Water System.
Estimating Water Use Based on Energy Records (Complete Document) - These documents detail a number of suggested methods for estimating water use. They all involve knowing the energy consumption of the well, possibly in conjunction with discharge information (such as pipe or channel flow in gallons per minute), or only information concerning the energy usage if discharge information is unavailable. These methods include estimating pumpage based on:
- Pipe flow and discharge information: using electrical/natural gas energy records
- Open channel flow and discharge information: using electrical/natural gas energy records
- Calculating pumpage based on hour meters
- Estimating pumpage based on electrical or natural gas energy records only
List of Designated Providers - Adequate Water Supply designations
Population Projection Tool
CWS System Plan Projected Population Calculator allows you to project your population and average daily demand on your water system. This tool is specifically designed to assist Community Water Systems with Part 1, Section F, in your System Water Plan. Once the tool is opened, you can select your CWS from the drop-down menu or enter your CWS number at the top of the page. Then, enter some basic information about residential and non-residential connections, as well as your average daily water use. The results will be displayed in the areas outlined in red and can be entered into your System Water Plan. *NOTE: CHROME USERS NEED TO RIGHT CLICK ON THE ABOVE LINK AND OPEN LINK IN NEW TAB.
Water Use Estimation Tool
The Water Estimation Tool is designed to assist Community Water Systems with estimating their annual water use. This tool is extremely beneficial to water systems that do not meter and experience challenges when it comes time to report your water use. We focused on the two areas of water use, which are Interior and Exterior water uses. Interior water use includes water that you use in your home depending on the various appliances that are commonly found in homes, including dishwashers, toilets, and showers, to name a few. Exterior water use includes the water you use outside of your home. This includes water used for residential lawns and public spaces like parks. *NOTE: CHROME USERS NEED TO RIGHT CLICK ON THE ABOVE LINK AND SAVE LINK.
The tool is broken down into THREE STEPS and includes instructions for each step:
Step 1: Enter your water system information including the Right or Permit number, number of connections, and annual population for your community.
Step 2: Determine your Interior water use by indicating what appliances, or devices, your community residents typically use in their homes. Once you indicate what devices your community residents use, the tool will automatically calculate your interior water use based on your selections and annual population.
Step 3: Determine your Exterior water use: In some cases, water systems do not use exterior water, and this step can be skipped. If you use any water outside of the home, the instructions will guide you on how to best determine your exterior water use.
Financial & Technical Assistance
Community Water Systems are eligible to receive financial and technical assistance from a variety of local, regional, and federal organizations. The Resources for Rural Communities and Community Water Systems document provides details of some of the programs and resources that are currently available for applicants.
Agencies and organizations that Community Water Systems have partnered with in the past are highlighted in the following list. For questions regarding eligibility, application processes, or program outcomes, please contact the listed organization.
Water Infrastructure Finance Authority (WIFA) – WIFA provides both financial and technical aid for water systems through the Clean Water and Drinking Water State-Revolving Funds. Financing is tailored specifically to a borrower’s situation and funds can be applied to a wide range of water infrastructure projects.
WaterSMART- The Bureau of Reclamation’s WaterSMART program is focused on addressing the many water challenges that are experienced by tribes, states, and local communities across the American West. Programs focused on cooperative water management, marketing, drought contingency planning, and more are available through WaterSMART.
The Alliance for Water Efficiency (AWE) - AWE provides technical reports and resources to assist water systems with various aspects of water planning and development. A wide range of topics are covered including water rate development, utility water loss control, and metering and submetering information.
The Water Estimation Tool is designed to assist Community Water Systems with estimating their annual water use. This tool is extremely beneficial to water systems that do not meter and experience challenges when it comes time to report your water use. We focused on the two areas of water use, which are Interior and Exterior water uses. Interior water use includes water that you use in your home depending on the various appliances that are commonly found in homes, including dishwashers, toilets, and showers, to name a few. Exterior water use includes the water you use outside of your home. This includes water used for residential lawns and public spaces like parks. *NOTE: CHROME USERS NEED TO RIGHT CLICK ON THE ABOVE LINK AND SAVE LINK.
The tool is broken down into THREE STEPS and includes instructions for each step:
Step 1: Enter your water system information including the Right or Permit number, number of connections, and annual population for your community.
Step 2: Determine your Interior water use by indicating what appliances, or devices, your community residents typically use in their homes. Once you indicate what devices your community residents use, the tool will automatically calculate your interior water use based on your selections and annual population.
Step 3: Determine your Exterior water use: In some cases, water systems do not use exterior water, and this step can be skipped. If you use any water outside of the home, the instructions will guide you on how to best determine your exterior water use.