Butler Valley Land Subsidence Feature The Butler Valley land subsidence feature is in located in La Paz County and encompasses unincorporated State Trust land. Land Subsidence Maps 2017-APR to 2021-JAN 2018-FEB to 2019-FEB 2019-FEB to 2020-FEB 2019-FEB to 2021-JAN 2020-FEB to 2021-JAN 2010-MAY to 2022-APR 2020-MAR to 2022-APR 2021-MAR to 2022-APR 2021-MAR to 2023-APR 2010-MAY to 2023-APR 2010-MAY to 2024-APR 2022-MAR to 2024-APR 2023-MAR to 2024-APR Land Subsidence Rate Maps 2021-MAR to 2022-APR 2023-MAR to 2024-APR