Grand Canyon

Governor Doug Ducey's Arizona Water Initiative

On October 5, 2015, Governor Ducey announced his water planning initiative for the state. The Arizona Water Initiative was based off of and continued the work published in the Strategic Vision for Water Supply Sustainability, which identified key priorities, timelines and action items needed to maintain sustainable water supplies for Arizona's future. The Arizona Water Initiative was implemented with the signing of Executive Order 2015-13 on December 16, 2015. Through this initiative, the Arizona Department of Water Resources (ADWR) worked closely with key stakeholders statewide on two parallel tracks. The Arizona Water Initiative was in place from 2019-2022.

Planning Area Process

Through the Planning Area Process, ADWR identified and prioritized the 22 planning areas identified in the Strategic Vision report, beginning with rural areas.

ADWR worked closely with the Planning Areas to identify issues that are resulting in demand and supply imbalances and to develop strategies that are likely to be successful in addressing them.

Governor's Water Augmentation Council

The Council investigated the long-term augmentation strategies for the State, as well as explore additional water conservation opportunities, identify infrastructure needs and, report policy direction or statutory changes to take Arizona into the future.

Council membership consisted of a wide array of experts including water providers and leaders in Arizona agriculture, mining, agribusiness, home building, watershed groups and government.

ADWR Director Thomas Buschatzke served as chairman of the Council.