Title Definition
Interior Water Use

Non-residential or residential indoor uses of water, including toilet flushing, bathing, drinking, and washing.


To apply water to two or more acres of land to produce plants or parts of plants for sale or human consumption, or as feed for livestock, range livestock, or poultry. A.R.S. § 45-402(23).

Irrigation Distribution System

A system of canals, flumes, pipes, or other works that are owned or operated by an irrigation district or private water company and used to deliver water for irrigation use.

Irrigation non-expansion area (INA)

This is a geographical area which has been designated pursuant to [A.R.S. Title 45, Chapter 2, Article 3] as having insufficient groundwater to provide a reasonable safe supply for the irrigation of the cultivated lands at the current rate of withdrawal.

Established INAs include: The Joseph City, Harquahala, and Douglas INAs. A map of the INAs and their boundaries can be viewed here.

In an INA, only land that has an irrigation authority can be irrigated. Irrigation authorities can be viewed using this map.

Irrigation Water Duty

Definition as prescribed in A.R.S. § 45-567 which, for the 4MP, is the total irrigation requirement to produce the crops historically grown divided by the assigned irrigation efficiency.

Lactating cow

Any cow that is producing milk that is present on-site at a dairy operation and receives water through the dairy operation’s watering system.

Landscapable area

The entire area of a lot less any areas covered by structures, parking lots, roads and any other area not physically capable of being landscaped.

Landscape watering

The application of water from any source, including reclaimed water, to a water-intensive landscaped area, a low water use landscaped area or revegetation acres within a turf-related facility.

Large municipal provider

A municipal provider serving more than 250 ac-ft of water for non-irrigation use during a calendar year. 

Large-scale cooling facility

A facility which has control over cooling operations with a total combined cooling capacity greater than or equal to 1,000 tons. For the purposes of this definition, the minimum cooling tower size which shall be used to determine total facility cooling capacity is 250 tons. A large-scale cooling facility does not include a large-scale power plant that utilizes cooling towers to dissipate heat.

Large-scale metal mining and processing facility

An industrial facility at which mining and processing of metallic ores is conducted and that uses or has the potential to use more than 500 ac-ft of water per reporting year. For the purposes of this definition, the annual water use or potential annual water use includes all water from any source, including reclaimed water, used or projected to be used within or by the facility, regardless of the nature of the use.

Large-scale power plant

An industrial facility that produces or is designed to produce more than 25 megawatts of electricity including steam electric power plants and combustion turbine plants.

Limiting constituent

A chemical, physical, or biological constituent present in recirculating cooling tower water that, due to potential physical or biological factors or due to potential exceedance of any federal, state, or local environmental standards upon discharge as blowdown, should not be allowed to accumulate in recirculating cooling tower water above a certain concentration. 

Long-term storage account

"Long-term storage account" means an account established pursuant to section 45-852.01.

Long-term storage credit

"Long-term storage credit" means stored water that meets the requirements of section 45-852.01 and that has been credited to a long-term storage account.

Lost and Unaccounted For Water

The total quantity of water from any source that enters a municipal provider’s groundwater distribution system during a calendar year less the total quantity of authorized deliveries of water from the groundwater distribution system during the calendar year that are metered deliveries or deliveries that the municipal provider accounts for by a method of estimating water use approved by the Director. 

Low water use landscaped area

An area of land of at least one acre in aggregate, which is an integral part of a turf-related facility, watered by a permanent water application system and planted primarily with plants listed in ADWR’s Low Water Use/Drought Tolerant Plant List for the TAMA. Mature vegetation planted in a low water use landscaped area must cover at least 50 percent of the area.

Make-up water

The water added back into the cooling tower recirculating water stream to replace water lost to evaporation, blowdown, or other mechanisms of water loss. 

Managed underground storage facility

"Managed underground storage facility" means a facility that meets the requirements of section 45-811.01 and that is designed and managed to utilize the natural channel of a stream to store water underground pursuant to permits issued under this chapter through artificial and controlled releases of water other than surface water naturally present in the stream. Surface water flowing in its natural channel is not a managed underground storage facility.

Master replenishment account

"Master replenishment account" means an account established pursuant to section 45-858.01 for a groundwater replenishment district.

Maximum Annual Groundwater Allotment

Maximum amount of groundwater that may be used per year for the irrigation of each irrigation acre in the farm that is calculated pursuant to A.R.S. § 45-465.

Mill circuit

The flow of water used in the process of crushing ore, recovering copper at the mill concentrator, and transporting and disposing of tailings, and includes recovery of water at the tailings impoundments for reuse in the mill concentrator. 

Mill Concentrator

The structure at open-pit metal mines within which metallic ore is crushed and the flotation process is used to remove minerals.

Monitor Well

This is a well that is designed and drilled for the purpose of monitoring water quality within a specific depth interval. A.A.C. R12-15-801(17).

Multi-family housing unit

A mobile home in a mobile home park and any permanent housing unit having one or more common walls with another housing unit located in a multifamily residential structure, and includes a unit in a duplex, triplex, fourplex, condominium development, town home development, or apartment complex.