Title | Definition |
Confining Formation | The relatively impermeable geologic unity immediately overlying an artesian aquifer. A.A.C. R12-15-801(8). |
Conservative Mineral Constituent | A component of recirculating water in a cooling tower, the concentration of which is not significantly modified by precipitation, loss to the atmosphere, or the addition of treatment chemicals. |
Consolidated Formation | A naturally occurring geologic unit through or into which a well is drilled, having a composition, density, and thickness which will provide a natural hydrologic barrier. A.A.C. R12-15-801(8). |
Constructed underground storage facility | "Constructed underground storage facility" means a facility that meets the requirements of section 45-811.01 and that is designed and constructed to store water underground pursuant to permits issued under this chapter. |
Construction use | Use of water for construction purposes, including the use of water for dust control, compaction and preparation of building materials on construction sites. |
Contaminated Groundwater | Groundwater that has been contaminated by a release of a hazardous substance, as defined in section 49-201, or a pollutant, as defined in section 49-201. A.R.S. § 45-596(H1). |
Contiguous | In contact at any point along a boundary, or part of the same master planned community. Two parcels of land are contiguous if they are separated only by one or more of the following: a road, easement, or right-of-way. |
Continuous Blowdown and Make-up | Patterns in cooling tower operation that include continuous blowdown and make-up or frequent periodic blowdown and make-up of recirculating water. |
County or Local Health Authority Approval | If water from the proposed well, or existing well being modified or deepened, will be used for domestic purposes on a parcel of land of 5 or fewer acres, the applicable county or local health authority must endorse all items in Section 1 on the Notice of Intent (NOI) to Drill within one year before submission to the Department of Water Resources. A site plan must also be attached. |
Cycles of concentration | The ratio of the concentration of total dissolved solids, other conservative mineral constituent, or electrical conductivity in the blowdown water to the concentration of this same constituent or electrical conductivity in the make-up water. This can be calculated by dividing the total make-up water by the total blowdown water. |
Dairy animal | A lactating cow or a non-lactating animal present at a dairy operation. |
Dairy operation | A facility that houses an average of 100 or more lactating cows per day during a calendar year as calculated in section 6-2102. |
Dairy wastewater | Any water that has been put to a beneficial use at the dairy operation, including water containing dairy animal wastes. |
Decant water | Water removed from the stilling basin of a tailings impoundment either by gravity flow into a decant tower or by pumping. |
Department of Defense (DOD) Site | This is a location that is contaminated with hazardous substances. These locations typically are either active duty military bases or bases being closed under the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) regulations, as well as formerly used defense sites that are eligible for funding under the Installation Restoration Program as overseen by Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). DOD sites are administered by the US military and are authorized by the Defense Environmental Restoration Program, U.S.C. § 2701, et seq. |
Direct Use Reclaimed Water | Reclaimed water transported directly from a facility regulated pursuant to Title 49, Chapter 2, Arizona Revised Statutes, to an end user. Direct use reclaimed water does not include reclaimed water that has been stored pursuant to Title 45, Chapter 3.1, Arizona Revised Statutes. |
District | "District" means a groundwater replenishment district established under title 48, chapter 27. |
District member | "District member" means a member of the groundwater replenishment district as provided by title 48, chapter 27. |
Domestic Purpose | Uses related to the supply, service and activities of households and private residences and includes the application of water to less than two acres of land to produce plants for sale or human consumption, or for use as feed for livestock, range livestock or poultry, as such terms are defined in section 3-1201. (R12-15-801) |
Domestic well | This is a small capacity water-production well that is typically used to provide water for domestic purposes. Domestic purposes are defined as uses related to the supply, service and activities of households and private residences. This includes the application of water to less than two acres of land to produce plants or parts of plants for sale or human consumption, or for use as feed for livestock, range livestock or poultry as such terms are defined in § 3-1201 A.R.S. § 45-454(M1). |
Drill Card | A card which is used by the Director to the well drilling contractor or single well licensee designated in the notice of intent or permit, authorizing the well drilling contractor or licensee to drill the specific well or wells in the specific location as noticed or permitted. A.A.C. R12-15-801(12). |
Electrical district | "Electrical district" means a corporate body established pursuant to title 48, chapter 12. |
Environmental well | This is a type of well normally associated with a site investigation or remedial action. Environmental wells include air-sparging wells, biosparging wells, vapor extraction wells, free product recovery wells, vadose zone wells and wells involving other types of remediation. Environmental wells are permanent installations, as opposed to geotechnical or exploration boreholes that are drilled to obtain samples or information, and then are immediately abandoned. |
Exempt Well | This is a well having a pump with a maximum capacity of not more than thirty-five gallons per minute which is used to withdraw groundwater pursuant to A.R.S. § 45-454. A.R.S. § 45-402(8). Exempt wells are small non-irrigation wells, typically used to provide water for domestic purposes. In AMAs, withdrawals of groundwater from exempt wells for non-irrigation uses other than domestic purposes and stock watering shall not exceed 10 acre-feet per year. A.R.S. § 45-454(B2). |
Existing Individual User | Individual user that was receiving water from a municipal provider as of the date the 4MP was adopted. |