Title | Definition |
Tailings | The slurry of water and fine-grained waste rock material remaining after minerals have been removed in the mill concentrator and excess water has been recovered and returned to the mill concentrator. |
Tailings impoundment | The final disposal site for tailings generated in the milling circuit. |
Total Quantity of Lost and Unaccounted for Water | Total quantity of water from any source, including reclaimed water, that enters an irrigation district’s or private water company’s irrigation distribution system during a calendar year less the total deliveries of water made by the irrigation district or private water company through its irrigation distribution system during the calendar year that are measured or estimated based on a generally accepted method of estimating water use. |
Turf Acres | An area of land that is watered with a permanent water application system and planted primarily with plants not listed in ADWR’s Low Water Use/Drought Tolerant Plant List for the TAMA. |